john patrick amata

Why I Write

30 May 2024

Tags: [ meta  self  advice  ]

I write because it makes you more curious.

It’s a pretty simple trick and it may not be that obvious.

But when you are writing, you tend to be more structured with your thoughts, and when you do it for an audience or public consumption, you’ll be more worried about correctness. These two in combination will make you more rigorous with your opinion.

It will make you do research, and this gives you momentum to dive deeper into the subject.

When people learn, they start with a question in mind. Scientists guide their research around asking more and more questions. Look at Charles Darwin’s notebooks.

So if you want to learn more, start writing. You dont need to have an audience, I have none. But writing for its own sake is a productive investment on one’s life, for as your curiosity grows, so will your understanding and knowledge, and the ability to ask better questions.

In a way, writing is like programming. When you write code you need to decompose a problem into manageable chunks. Writing takes a similar approach: you have to break down your understanding into smaller pieces, research them, and then reconstruct them in a way that makes sense, over and over until it’s ready for production. This process embeds the idea deeper into your memory.

So it’s not just a tool to communicate, but also one for learning and discovery.

Writing as well improves your propensity for danger.

A powerful tool for lifelong learning and growth.

The skin in the game.

For when you write, you’ll deal with internal and external criticisms.

It cultivates a readiness to confront challenges and navigate risks. Especially when you’ll be publishing it with your name next to it. Too many people today lack the dareness to be seen and would rather stay anonymous on the internet. Some who have their own sites on the net, dont even bother about writing, thinking that they dont have enough authority on the matter, that they need to be right all the time. But the criticism and the will to face the crowd, is precisely how you grow and become better.

Too many people worry about the abyss.

Worrying about the criticism they might find, effectively stuck in a world of imagination.

But the abyss does not see you back, YOU see the abyss.

You interpret everything. Your thoughts shape how you perceive the abyss, the world around you.

What you need to do is get acquainted with the world of the seen, the tangible. You need an opponent, an imminent danger. Like talking to that hot friendly chick you see – if she rejects you, it’s fine, you can course correct. But if you didn’t talk to her, you’re cursed to live in your imagination, a world of “what ifs,” of ideas and theory that’ll bog you down in the end turning you into one of those lost men looking up voluminous incel advice and Andrew Tate dating advice videos on social media

So let’s put our ideas out there, go build some resilience.

In the end, that’s writing for me. It makes you more adventurous. And that’s a good life to live.

Addendum, go read PG's words

« If you're depressed, build something
Parsers, briefly. »

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